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  "Do you want to stay for dinner?" she asked, opening her front door that was never locked.

  "Not tonight. I think I'm going to hit the sack early."

  "Any big plans tomorrow?"

  "Well, since it's Sunday, and we're closed, I'm going to cross another item off my list. I need to kick it into high gear if I'm going to finish all the items," I said with a slight edge of panic in my voice.

  "You'll do it. Which one are you doing?" she asked, although I could tell she already knew.

  "The fear one," I answered, making busywork of searching for my car keys in my purse.

  She clucked her tongue disapprovingly. It was the one item on my list she didn't approve of. She could handle the one-night stand or her suggestion of an affair, but conquering my fear of heights was a different story.

  "You know I need to do it," I reminded her.

  "There's plenty of ways to conquer that fear without jumping off some damn bridge. I'm sure your twins are all in," she retorted, referring to Tressa and Brittni.

  "Brittni is. Tressa is deathly afraid of heights and claims she has no desire to ever conquer her fear."

  "She's a smart girl."

  "You didn't think that when she pranked your least favorite customer last week," I threw out, finally finding my keys.

  "Well, that's because sometimes that Tressa acts like she's still in high school. Besides, anyone with a brain knows it's not the best idea to wrap a store toilet bowl with Saran Wrap. Most people who use our bathroom really got to go, and having their pee puddled in their shoes is not good. I could not for the life of me figure out why there were wet footprints trailing from the bathroom door."

  "It was gross," I laughed. "But you have to admit it was pretty funny how the minister's wife, Shelly, scurried out of the store thinking she had missed the toilet."

  "That was the only highlight of the whole incident," Fran replied, chuckling along with me. "She's always judging others whenever they look anything less than perfect."

  "Exactly, which is why Tressa hatched the idea."

  "So, you're telling me Shelly was the target all along?" she asked, quirking her eyebrow at me.

  "Um, yeah," I stammered, knowing I'd just given away my part in the prank.

  "And how did dear Tressa know that Shelly would be the one to use the toilet?"

  "I might have told her. Come on, you have to admit, her catty remarks every time she uses the bathroom get old.

  "How did you know it would be her who got pranked?"

  "Because she comes in every week after her ladies' tea..." My voice trailed off as I backed away from the door before I could implicate myself further. "I'll see you on Monday," I called over my shoulder, hurrying down the path.

  "I knew you were involved," she called after me before closing her front door.

  I laughed at her words as I approached my car. I threw my purse over on the passenger seat and climbed in behind the steering wheel. I was backing up my car when some kind of movement off to my right startled me. Whipping my head around, I saw a lone runner making his way down Main Street. Woodfalls had its share of walkers, but there really weren't any runners, and definitely not any like the one who was currently crossing the street in front of me. Ordinarily, I would have scoffed at a man running without a shirt on, wondering what he was trying to prove. Nathan, though, was a different story with his glistening pecks and rock-hard abs. It would have been sinful to deprive the female population the opportunity to gawk. I sat motionless in my seat, watching as he ran by my car window. My heart thundered in my chest as I watched a trickle of sweat track its way down the deep contours of his well-muscled back, disappearing inside his shorts. He was long gone by the time I shook myself out of my fawning comatose state enough to drive home. I felt feverish. Glancing in the mirror, I saw that my face was flushed.

  "God, you're a mess. What are you going to do if you ever see him naked? Spontaneously combust?" I asked my reflection.


  The ringing of my cellphone woke me the next morning. I fumbled around my nightstand trying to find it while still keeping my eyes shut.

  "Yeah," I croaked into the phone, my voice still heavy with sleep.

  "Are you sick too?" Brittni's voice croaked back at me, although she sounded much worse.

  "No, I was just sleeping. You're sick?" I asked the obvious. She was either sick, or she'd swallowed a very old frog.

  "Yeah, my mom made Dr. Baker come out and check me. He said it looked like strep to him. I bet I got it from my damn students," she complained. Brittni subbed at the elementary school while she worked on getting her teaching degree. I found it ironic that she insisted she wanted to be a schoolteacher, but didn't seem to like kids all that much. Tressa told me the dislike thing was actually an act. "She may be gruff, but she has mad skills when it comes to teaching," she had stated.

  "Well, crap. I'm sorry you feel crummy," I offered, trying to hide my disappointment that I wouldn't be able to cross an item off my list.

  "I'm sorry I'm bailing on you."

  "It's no biggie. Just get better," I reassured her.

  "Okay. We'll go when I get back from that stinking training thing next week," she promised before hanging up the phone.

  I sat up, contemplating my list in my head to see if I could tackle one of the other items. Coming from hot-as-hell Florida, most of the items on my list centered around winter-related activities, with the obvious exception of the activity that possibly involved Nathan. A mental picture of a shirtless Nathan flashed through my head, making me jump out of bed abruptly. There was no way I was going to mope around all day. It was bad enough that thoughts of him had kept me up tossing and turning half the night.

  I made my bed hastily, and threw on a pair of cutoff shorts and t-shirt with a hooded sweatshirt over it. Ten minutes after hanging up the phone with Brittni, I was headed for Mason Bridge over on the county line. The air had a nip to it, making it clear that summer was over and fall was right around the corner. It felt glorious knowing it was September and already cooling off. In Florida, it would be several months before they saw similar temperatures. After a lifetime of missing real seasons, I was greedy for them to begin. I wanted to see the barren trees once they shed all their current multicolored leaves. I wanted to make a snow angel and build a snowman. All three were items on my bucket list that would take little effort as long as I was still here. I just needed enough time.

  I was at Mason Bridge in less than five minutes. By the time I pulled off the side of the road just before the bridge, the nerves I'd been keeping at bay reared their ugly head. Sitting behind the steering wheel, I swiped my hands down my shorts in an attempt to remove the moisture that had collected on my palms. I could do this. Opening my car door, I forced myself to get out before I could chicken out and go home. The cool breeze blowing through the branches of the aged oak trees that lined the banks of the river below made me shiver slightly. I warily eyed the bridge in front of me. It was now or never. I stripped off my sweatshirt despite the chill and tossed it on the passenger seat next to the towel I had brought along. Closing the door with determination, I left my car behind, heading for the bridge.

  My knees shook more and more the closer I got to the middle of the bridge, and my breath came out in labored puffs like I'd just sprinted a mile. Peering over the railing, I took in the slow-moving river below. From this height, the water looked darker and more menacing than I thought it would. I felt lightheaded and slightly squeamish at the idea of being in water with god knows what lurking around me. In Florida, it was common knowledge that any body of water could have snakes or even gators. Indecision filled me as I gripped the railing with white knuckles. I clamped my eyes tightly closed to ward off the dizziness and gave myself a stern talking. I had to do it today. It was obvious by the chill in the air that time was limited. Pretty soon it would be too cold to jump.

  With my mind made up, I kept my eyes closed as I attempted to climb over the railing that I was s
till gripping with both hands. Maneuvering was awkward with the death grip I had, but after a few false starts, I was standing on the other side of the rail. Finally opening my eyes, I slowly released one hand so I could twist around to face the water below. With the railing against my back, I faced my biggest fear. My breath wheezed past my lips as I fought back my panic. "This is the worst part," I told myself. If I could get past this, the actual fall would last only seconds. Stiffening my back, I finally released the railing and moved to the edge of the bridge. The desire to slam my eyes shut again pulled at me, but I fought it back. There was no cheating this situation. With one last look of yearning at the railing behind me, I stepped off the bridge and screamed, and screamed and then screamed some more.

  My screams filled the air around me as I plunged toward the dark water below. It took less than a moment, and even though I was still scared, my screams were suddenly more exhilarated. I felt alive as my stomach dropped from the free fall. For the first time, I totally understood why skydivers claimed it was a rush like no other to jump out of a plane. I found I was actually disappointed when I hit the water feet first and sank down into the icy water. I wanted more. I wanted to feel the freedom of the fall all over again.

  Chapter 6: Trying to be the Hero


  I was three miles into my run on Sunday, contemplating my next move with Ashton, when I came across her car on the side of the road near Mason Bridge. Before I could register why it was there, a piercing scream rang through the air. Sprinting toward the location of the screams, I made it to the railing of the bridge just in time to see the splash of someone's body hitting the water below. Without giving it a thought, I hurled over the railing and jumped off the side of the bridge.

  The water hit me like needles of ice as I was completely submerged. Years of scuba diving had me instinctively kicking my feet as I used my arms to propel me back to the surface. I swiped my hands frantically across my face, clearing away the water to look for her. Relief filled me as I saw a head bobbing in the water a few yards from me.

  "What the hell? You scared the shit out of me!" Ashton yelled. "I thought the bridge was falling on me or something.

  "Well, I thought you were being murdered by the way you were screaming," I countered, my own anger rising. "What the fuck are you doing?"

  "I was conquering my fear of heights, quickly followed by my fear of a bridge falling on top of me," she sniped back, turning toward the shore. I watched for a moment as she used practiced strokes to propel herself toward the shore. Shaking my head in bewilderment, I followed behind, quickly catching up to her. We trudged the rest of the way to the shore once we could stand. Neither of us talked as the last of the adrenaline left us and our bodies began to shake from the cold. The tension between us dissipated when I reached out to steady her when she tripped over a hidden root beneath the water.

  "Thanks," she said, dropping my hand once we stumbled ashore.

  "No problem. It's not every day I get to save a lady that didn't need saving," I joked.

  "I'm sure it's the thought that counts," she teased as we made our way up the embankment. Our steps squished as the leftover water seeped out over the tops of our shoes.

  "Tell that to my ruined running shoes," I said, holding my muddy shoe up so she could see it.

  "How about I give you a ride to make up for it? Although, I want the record to show I didn't ask you to go all stalker-hero and jump in after me," she teased between chattering lips.

  "Fair enough, but next time you decide to do an adrenaline job, screaming less might be helpful."

  "Point well taken," she agreed, pulling the passenger door open. "Here, you can have the towel since I have my sweatshirt," she added, tossing a folded up towel at me.

  "You should have taken off your wet shirt before you put that on," I pointed out, raising my eyebrows suggestively as she pulled the sweatshirt on over her wet t-shirt.

  "I'm not that easy. You have to actually save me in order to get a boob shot," she quipped, climbing into the driver seat.

  Startled laughter bubbled up inside me. It had been awhile since I'd been with someone so sassy. She was different than the refined, boring girls I normally dated. She was more open, with a sharper tongue that made me think about other things I'd like that tongue to do.

  "Is that an invitation?" I asked, folding myself into the passenger seat.

  "I'm not sure I have any more high-risk activities planned that will require your services."

  "Maybe we can work out a side deal," I said, resting my arm on the back of the seat so my fingers were close to the back of her neck without actually touching her. I bit back a smile when I saw a shudder of awareness ripple through her frame.

  "What do you have in mind?" she asked, flipping the heat on as she whipped a U-turn in the middle of the road.

  "Why don't you let me take you out to dinner and we can work out the particulars?" I answered, trailing my finger along the fine hair on her neck that had escaped the cute ponytail she wore on top of her head.

  "There's not a whole lot of dining choices in Woodfalls unless you don't mind the diner. The better restaurants are in the next town, like twenty-five minutes away," she said, leaning back against my hand that was now cupping her neck. I went instantly hard from the sigh of pleasure that escaped her mouth as I gently massaged her neck.

  "Let me worry about dinner," I murmured, dipping my finger down the neckline of her shirt as she pulled her car into the parking lot of my motel. She switched off the car, but neither of us moved.

  "This is crazy. We don't even know each other," she finally said hoarsely, cluing me in that she was as turned on as I was. Although, judging by her death grip on the steering wheel, she was trying to fight it.

  "Go out with me and we'll get to know each other," I coaxed, sliding my hand farther down the back of her shirt. I watched as she gnawed on her bottom lip indecisively. I was more jealous of a set of teeth than I could have ever imagined possible. I wanted it to be my teeth that gently nipped on her lip. "Are you still worried I want to stick my trunk in your head," I teased softly, trying to lighten the tension radiating off her.

  "I'm not looking for a serious relationship," she mumbled.

  "Let me get this straight. You're fine going out with me, but you just don't want me to get attached?" I asked, laughing at the irony of the situation. "Sweetheart, I have a strict rule about attachments, but that doesn't mean we can't have fun getting to know each other. Besides, I'll only be here a week or so."

  "You won't fall in love with me?" she asked earnestly. Had the situation been different, I would have busted a gut at her question.

  "I promise I won't fall in love with you," I said solemnly since she seemed so serious.

  "How about if I promise I only plan to use you for sex?" I joked.

  "That would help," she said, nodding her head in total agreement.

  "You know this conversation is kind of messed up," I teased, trailing my hand a little farther down.

  "I'm pretty sure everything we've done up to this point is messed up," she said, finally relaxing. "We might as well stay consistent."

  "So, let me get this straight since I tend to look at things a bit analytically. It's okay if we date, but even better if I decide I want to ravish your body to my heart's content, and then walk away when I'm done?" I questioned.

  "Exactly," she said, shivering slightly as my hand continued exploring.

  "I'll pick you up at seven," I said, pulling her toward me. I settled my lips against hers for a moment, devouring the sigh of surprise that left her mouth. I pulled the lip that had been enticing me into my mouth and gave it a soft nip with my teeth. It tasted faintly like a combination of cherry lip gloss and minty mouthwash, but it was the heat that beckoned me. I could have made a feast of her lips and mouth. I wanted to explore every inch of them. After a moment, I forced myself to pull away and open my car door.

  Her eyes looked at me questionably as I stood outside he
r car. "Sorry, you're bottom lip was driving me nuts. I had to see if it tasted as good as it looks," I explained.

  "Well?" she asked exasperated as I started to close the door.

  "Sweetheart, it tasted better than my wildest fantasies could have ever conjured up," I said, closing the door to her astonished face.

  Chapter 7: The face plant


  I drove home in a fog after the earth-shattering kiss Nathan planted on me. "Earth-shattering" was so cliché, but this kiss was that and more. Never has a kiss affected me in so many different ways. The clumsy kisses I'd shared with a few boys in high school and college paled in comparison. It was the difference between ordering an aged steak at a five-star restaurant and the chopped meat patties they used to serve in the school cafeteria. His parting words, though, affected me the most. With just a few words, he made me feel desirable and cherished all at the same time.

  Pulling in front of my cottage, I managed to clear the fog in my head long enough to go inside. Along the way, the cold air made its way through my wet clothes, chilling me to the bone and effectively putting out the rest of the fire he'd ignited inside me. My trembling fingers fumbled with my key until I was finally able to slide it into the lock. Closing the front door behind me, I began to strip down, leaving a trail of wet clothes behind me on the way to my bathroom. It took all the hot water the small water heater could muster to fight away the chills that had gripped me. Only when the water started to cool did I switch it off.

  I stepped from the shower, quickly wrapping my body with a towel, and another turban-style around my head.

  I was in the midst of pulling skinny jeans and a cable-knit sweater on when I heard my TV click on in the main room of the cottage.

  "Want to hang out?" Tressa greeted me around a mouthful of gooey cheese pizza. "I figured we could watch a couple movies and gossip."